Thursday, October 16, 2008

I will blog. I will I will I will

Okay, I have ten minutes to come up with something exciting to say. First, some of you may be wondering why there is a new post on this blog. It has been so long and while I will admit I did lose ten of my original twenty minutes to post in attempts to log in to this thing, I am dedicated. I WILL post TODAY. So, what's new...we got a new dog, a new house, and new jobs. So much change, it is dizzying really. Why, you may wonder, did we replace our dog? Aren't dogs supposed to be a sort of member of the family? You don't have the option of getting rid of annoying siblings or even offspring that slobber too much and bark all night, so why should we have the luxury? This, my friends, is the upside to not having had the wonderful opportunity of procreating as of yet. Because if we don't like certain "family members", we can place an ad in the paper and find a loving home. It's not like we make a habit of it, but it is nice to have options and choices. Currently, we own a small Yorkie-Pekingese dog named Nest. We've had her since January. She is by far the smartest and the cutest yet. However, the rat refuses to be housebroken completely and we are currently not on speaking terms. Yes, I talk to my dog. I dress her too. We have decided that she will stay with us as long as she's alive. Partly because we are too embarassed to even think about doing anything else but mostly because we are "small dog" people and it just took us a few tries to figure that out. Well, time's up. Hope everyone is doing GREAT!


Caitlan said...

Yay!! A post!! Ah Nest- maybe she'll be good when she's old. I'm glad you're doing well though- love you!

The Hammers said...

I'm glad you're blogging again! It's good to talk to all of you cute DeArton girls again. Keep in touch, I'll put you on my list. Casie

Celeste said...

Hey chica!! It was such a surprise to see your message on my blog!! I MISS YOU!! Where are you living these days?? You should email me, and I will give you my cell number, maybe we can get together some time....if you are still in Pocatello, we can go there if need be. Oh yea, it's about time you post something! I have been WAITING!! J/K, but seriosly...I want to get together so email me chica!! Talk to you soon!!!

Elise said...

Your blog looks freakin' RAD! Thanks again for coming down-- it was awesome to hang out with you guys!! LOVE YOU!

Tiffany said...

You're back!!! Kristie and Todd are back!!!! I am so happy you are back! I love your witty writing and sarcastic jibes! I just love you to death! I don't have your email, or I would write you . . . I miss you and your face! :)

Love the new blog layout too!

Adrianne Miller said...

Hey!!!!!! I'm so glad you wrote. How are you???! I'm going to add your blog to my list now that you've actually blogged! Keep up the good work. Tell me whats going on with you!

jenn said...

i am so glad that you have posted...and super excited that you sent me a note! we so need to catch up, i am living in UT, and love my job, and yeah- life is great. i would love to see you. are you going to IF for thanksgiving??? we really need to plan to visit...even if i have to drive up for a weekend...lets do this! miss you.

Miranda said...

Now I can stalk you guys online as well as watch you out my window...

Now that you have a new schedule I have to find your exact times of when you leave an arrive again. Shoot!

Jade said...

I haven't checked your blog in months, but today thought, "Hey, I'm wasting time online anyhow. Might as well go look at Kristie's old, non-updated blog. Imagine that. Great to hear you guys are doing well. We miss you.

Katie Lee said...

We like hearing updates. You should post pictures of your little dog so we can all Ooh and Aah over it. Hope all is well.